Community Contributed Session Proposals

Community Contributed Session Proposal Submission Deadline is Tuesday, 15 October 2024!

Important Dates

Tuesday, 15 October 2024 Community Contributed Session Proposal deadline
Friday, 1 November 2024 Community Contributed Session acceptance notification

Community contributed session (CCS) proposals are solicited for the 2025 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2025), to be held on August 3-8, 2025, in Brisbane, Australia. Proposers are encouraged to submit proposals on topics that are timely and of interest to the geoscience and remote sensing community, and foster diversity and inclusion within the community. Proposals for CCS are due by Tuesday, October 15, 2024. This deadline will be strictly observed, and no extension will be granted.

All selected sessions will be open to the community for abstract/paper submissions and could be assigned as oral and/or poster sessions, depending upon the number of submissions and room availability. Each CCS proposal is allowed one optional invited presentation that is intended to be a visionary or keynote presentation for the topic.

Each proposal should include:

The CCS proposers will be informed of the selection outcome by Friday, 1 November 2024.

All proposals should be submitted online through the link below:

Start a new Proposal

Login to edit an existing Proposal

Questions regarding Community-Contributed Sessions may be directed to